Our EASY 4 Step Process
During this 15-minute call we will review what neurofeedback is and discuss your individual
challenges. We will go over the program along with the costs and answer any questions that you may have. We
can then begin the process by scheduling a brain map and initial assessment.
The assessment process consists of two separate visits. The first visit includes a thorough review of
your particular case, medical history, medications, challenges, and goals. We then conduct a
quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) from which a brain map is produced, which helps us
determine what is going on in your brain. A cap embedded with sensors is placed on your head that
allows us to “listen” to your brain activity in 19 different spots. With this information we can design a
training protocol that is specific to your individual challenges. During this visit you may take other
assessments on paper and/or the computer that will help define your challenges and that allows us to
measure your progress during training. During the second visit we will go over all the information that
we collected, discuss the customized treatment protocol, and review the treatment program. We can
then schedule your training sessions.
During each 30-minute training session sensors are placed on your scalp to monitor your brain activity in real-time. You will watch a movie during the session, and whenever your brain activity is on track you’ll receive positive feedback like a brightened screen and an audible beep. Over the course of 30-60 sessions your brain can receive tens of thousands of rewards. Initially, you will have several training sessions at our office to learn how everything works. After that your training sessions can be done in the office or at home for your convenience. Whether training in the office or at home, we will monitor your progress on a weekly basis and make any necessary adjustments.
Weekly progress reports of your most concerning challenges guide us in ensuring that your protocol is
appropriate and optimal. At any time during the program another qEEG and other assessments
may be conducted in order to further investigate your progress and adjust your treatment protocol, if
warranted. At the end of the program these assessments, including a final qEEG, will be conducted one
last time in order for you to objectively see the progress you have made.